Accessibility Management System

A cloud-based data management system to easily collect, gather and analyse very granular accessibility data.

Business impact
  • avicci
  • funny
  • abba the museum
  • kongahalla
  • etage
  • granby
  • skhlm
  • Fältöversten
  • Mood
  • Gallerian
  • Utopia
  • Saga
  • MVG
  • minc
  • ica-removebg-preview
  • Vala_Logo 1
  • mobilia_logo
  • nova_logo 1
  • Emporia-tagline-Main-logo-H-N 2

All your accessibility data gathered, structured and monitored in one place

Data management system

A cloud-based platform to handle all your accessibility data, by buildings, floors, rooms and more.

Interactive Widget

Displays all your granular accessibility data and pictures, by disability, on your own website with only a few lines of code. Web-accessible and mobile-friendly.

Accessibility Dashboard

Review your AMS accessibility data and completion rates, combined with the behavioural and performance data of your widget users.

Automatically generated Checklist

The continuously updated checklist helps you to prioritise actions to improve your accessibility step by step.


Gather unique data and improve your accessibility

  • Industry specific

  • Customisable

  • Detailed data

  • Timestamped data


Our industry questionnaires are customised to the specificities of your industry, in terms of units (e.g. car park, entry, reception, bathroom) or features (e.g.ramps, grab rails, contrast colours) to be assessed.


You can customise the structure of your property in order to define and assess every unit, whether you have several buildings, floors and units ( parks, entries)


Every single unit of your property will be assessed, e.g. every car parking space, entry door, elevator, toilet grab rail or payment counter. You get a detailed view of your whole property accessibility and can communicate it in a granular way.


All data is time-stamped, in order for you to be aware of the freshness of your data, and to help you showcase relevant up-to-date data and images to your customers to create real trust.


Create value by being trusted by the disabled community 

By being transparent about your accessibility and granular about the accessibility information displayed, your customers will be able to plan their visit more confidently, or find what they need, while visiting your property. You can easily update your information as you improve your accessibility.


Interested? We're here for you